Monday, July 1, 2013

The Stats

Age: 34
Marital: Single
Housing: Home
Job: Commission based
Occupation: Artist
Income: Below the median

I'm 34. A day into being 34 to be exact!

My artistic ways began early, but not as early as you may think. My parents were artists in their own right. My dad was a singer, and had some skills in the drawing area. My mother sang a bit, but was more of the visual artist. She had the opportunity to go to a art school at a young age, but got lost on public transportation and never looked back. So although the arts were pretty much ingrained, it wasn't until about 9th grade where I started to hone into my visual arts skills.

I ended up attending the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP), where I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Fine Art. I paid a whole bunch of money, received my degree, and was taught, but not schooled (training, guidance, or discipline derived from experience)It was a great time socially, and I learned some techniques, but missed out on the practical side of the art business (I said I would address that this post, but it deserves a post all of its own).

After graduation I got several J.O.B(s) (just over broke). They were typically administrative in nature. Those  types of jobs were easy to come by and I was good at them. They kept me busy and tired enough not to focus on my passion and purpose. It was years before I had enough strength and courage to step out and learn about how to get myself out there in the art world.

So here I am 34 getting some exposure. Better late than never...right?!?!

Marital Status:
Being single used to be a horrible thought for me. Now I see it as an opportunity to really focus on what I need to do now. When my husband and children come, my career will naturally take a backseat. I trust that my Maker knows best on this one.

I live at home. Yes...I live at home with a parent. If I had my way, I would have mapped this portion of my life out differently. Living at home as a grown individual is quite different than living at home as an adolescent, especially when you have lived on your own for some years prior to moving back home. Yes, there were special circumstances that dictated that I did so and perhaps not any that you are thinking. It was more of an act of obedience than a choice that I would have readily made. In fact, I want to run wild and free, but now the income statistic is looming over my head (read further).

I am a massage therapist, but pretty much operate as a free agent, meaning I don't subscribe to a 9 to 5 position. As a matter of fact I gave up the 9 to 5 spot some years ago to chase after this insane passion that I have for the arts. I live dependent on odd jobs at the moment, but know that may change in the near future, which makes me a twee nervous. I am a worker...a hard worker. I get involved in the job that I am doing and often spend more time subscribing to others visions more than I do my own! Now I am not talking about a full-time job here, and it would need to be something that dealt with my passion. However, what if I give more time to my job (trying to be a good employee) more than I do my own business? Scary to say the least. I've been on those railways, and don't want to jump back on that train EVER!

I'm often asked to define artist. When I spew out a litany of things that I can do, people are often surprised. They often say, "I knew you....., but didn't know that you could.....!" I don't quite know how to define artist. I am an artistic being who uses whatever medium needed to get my point across. I don't know how to explain it other than to's a gift!

The phrase "below the median" makes me laugh. The truth is, I'm more at the poverty level at the moment. One would never guess, but it's the truth. I'm living day by day (notice I didn't say, "paycheck to paycheck"). I'm trusting that I heard well the voice of God and leaning on Him on a daily basis to provide. All of which is not an easy task, since I am such a worker.

When I read over my stats, there are a barrage of emotions that take place. However most of all, I am humbled and encouraged that years from now I will look back and see this post and remember my meager beginnings. I will see how I went through each hardship with grace and poise, and came out victorious!

Your Thoughts:
What are your stats? How are you dealing with them? Are they making you a better artist, and how?

Until next time...


  1. Well Tene-I think you are doing exceptionally well.
    You have infinite possibilities ahead of you-I am excited to see what will become of Tene

    1. Thanks Le! I am definitely doing all that I can to make this go round successful...including pushing through small glitches.


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