Thursday, July 25, 2013

16 Days Left - Someone's Watching

There are 16 days left and I have gotten a lot accomplished (I'll talk about that in the next post), but tonight I want to talk about a little one who is watching me. The reality is, there are plenty of people watching. I put myself out here for this journey. I am not only posting here, but like the majority of the world, I am also on many social media sites. So being seen is inevitable. However, it is the "being seen" by this child that has warmed my heart so.

The mind of a child is so amazing to me. There is such a purity that is present that it is almost scary. I mean why shouldn't purity be what shines is often times adults that cause them to be otherwise.

A few weeks ago this young man by the name of Taj (who I love dearly by the way) told me that he was going to draw better than me. He is a newbie, and he is excited about his new found creative side, which his parents do an excellent job at fueling. He always has his sketch book and pencils in tote (a man after my own heart). He takes the time to look at youtube videos in order to learn certain techniques, and practices often. So when he told me that he was going to be a better artist than me, my response was a simple, "I pray that one day you will be!".

Since then he has been making me aware of his progress on a regular basis, and tonight his mom said that he had drawn one of my pregnant women (he saw my sketch on instagram). I was floored! Who knew that my little sketches would encourage someone (especially a child). She showed me his version and this is what he came up with. I put his beside the one that I put on instagram.


He did an excellent job! I am proud of him! He may see me as an inspiration, but more than he knows...he inspires me. He helps me to know that I too need to show up (to whatever medium I am working on) on a daily basis in order to continue to hone my craft. He is a tenacious individual seeking to be a better artist, and that's always my goal.

Thank you Taj for encouraging me beyond belief! You are already an amazing artist! Keep up the good work!

My prayer: That I would continue to be a good role model to those that are watching...artist or not! That I may encourage them to live out the purpose that they have been created for, and to do so with a "go get em" attitude!

Your Thoughts:
Are you aware of those that are watching you? If so, are you proud of what they are seeing? In what ways do they inspire you to become a better you?

Until next post...


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