Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Need For An Artistic Community

(work done by and amazing fellow artist and IG friend Kelly. Check out her blog over at

I'm crafting this post from my bed. Not only am I crafting this message from my bed, I'm using the speech to type method. I just don't have the energy.

It's early in the morning, and yesterday was that kind of day. You know... pensive, sullen, dreary...just plain ole' blah. It's been the type of day where I've had to make myself show up. One of those days that I have talked about in previous posts where I think I deserve a down day because of a day or two of previous hard work. 

I really need to work on what to call days like this. The days where my purpose/passion seem to be more arduous than my love for my craft. The days that are less unproductive than others.The days that my head isn't quite in the game or perhaps so deep in the game, I'm debilitated. The days that I doubt where I'm going on this journey as an artist. 

I really need a name for it. No really! A name would give me something to call out and explain (way better than trying to explain a feeling). I would put a list here, but the reality is...I can't think of anything quite clever enough to even warrant a name. 

I am starting to realize that my sense of blah may be coming from the need to live, breath and eat in an artistic community. I read an article last night that a friend posted on Twitter weeks ago called, "Why Your Friends Shape Your Happiness, Creativity, and Career" over at The article was interesting and re-affirmed what I've been thinking and writing about a lot.  My favorite quote from the article (and there were many fabulous ones), "When you are in the business of creating new products, ideas, or technologies, " he says, "you need to be close to other people who are in your field." ~Enrico Moretti. 

It seems so simple! We pull from others so that we ourselves can produce greater works. That's part of learning right! That's why we study the greats, have mentors and shadow others. All so that we can ultimately impact our creativity and productivity in new ways! 

I've started to make moves, and am determined to see those moves manifest by this time next year!

So despite how I felt today, I managed to get somethings done. I have been so crazy busy with creating, life and writing curriculum's for this upcoming month (which I will talk about in posts to come) that I haven't updated my Etsy shop as planned.

This weekend I took the time to do some product photography and will update the shop later this morning with a few more items. There is definitely more to come. I actually am on schedule to put things in the shop at least once a week from here on out. My old schedule of stocking the shop almost everyday was a joke. I mean, who was I kidding?

I have come up with a few new jewelry ideas and that will be reflective of the new stock. I do hope that you all enjoy the pieces! Take a gander

Well I suppose that is it for now. Yesterday may haven been a bust (or half a bust), but tomorrow proves to be a brand new day bubbling with new opportunities!

Your Thoughts:
Do you have a name for your "blah" days? What are some specific things that you do to come out of the rut?

Until next post...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I Have Enough Time!

Today there is so much to do and so much time to do it! I know that doesn't make much sense. Shoot, it didn't make much sense to me when it was divinely given, but the more I thought about it, it makes perfect sense.

Yes, there are a plethora of things to get done. I mean, we all have a long list of things to do. There are blogs, curriculum plans and seminars to be written, items to be knit or crocheted, jewelry to be made, and paintings to be painted. Oh yeah...that's my list of to-do's, but I can imagine yours are just as swamped!

But here's the thing I came to realize this morning...there is enough time to get everything done that we are planted here on this Earth to complete. I know, I know, this sounds funny coming from the girl that would always complain about there not being enough time in the day to get things done! But it's so true..hear me out!

I'm of the school of thought (because of my beliefs) that God won't put more on you than you can bear. And if that indeed is true, I believe that time is included. First, I believe that He wouldn't give you a spectacular vision to complete a task without giving you specific instructions. That's like a parent giving their young child a chore to complete and expecting them to complete it properly without giving them proper directions. We all know that doesn't happen (for proper parents, at least). Those specific instructions given probably include how, when, where, and why or who to seek about the how, when, where and why. Then, we simply are to follow them.

I can only speak for myself, but most times when I have become overwhelmed it is because I have failed to follow the specific instructions given. I get to the point where I think the instructions that I have been given aren't working (because I can't physically see them working) or aren't working fast enough. I get in the driver's seat and not only try to help God out, but flat out try to take over.

It's at that point that I am like a fish out of water. I'm flapping around trying my best to get things done to no avail. I feel overworked, overwhelmed and super tired, to say the least.

Today I am feeling less apprehensive about things. I'm feeling a lot less scared about what the future holds. I've been given marching orders long ago, and following them has become important to me. Now I'm in no way confident in my skills alone, but I am confident in His. I have a ways to go and lots of steps to take, but being on the right track makes those long ways not so long, and those steps to climb not so steep!

So yup...there is enough time!!!

Your Thoughts:
Do you have a plan, but feel like there isn't enough time to execute that plan? If so, have you made sure that plan is the plan that you are put here to execute?

Until next time..

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Why

It's Monday again! It came around so fast!

Since I last posted lots of things have manifested, and I don't necessarily mean so much in the natural either. They were simply some things that have become obvious and apparent about myself, my craft, and business.

The business conference that I attended called "She's Got Clients" facilitated by Christine Gallagher concluded on Wednesday, and left me knowing that I have a lot of work to do. There were lots of concepts that were to be gotten, and lots of actions that need to be taken to get those concepts rolling into play. But more importantly than those concepts was the reason..."the why" for business (my business to be exact).

We talked about the why the first day of the conference, but it wasn't until the last day of the conference that I really had a solid "why". I mean a "why" that I could really put graphite to paper and form comprehensible sentences.

So here you have it! These precious faces, and some that are not photographed are my "why"!!!

Why? In some way, shape, form or fashion, they have changed my life for the better! They are all my girls! I didn't birth any of them, but call them my own. Some of them came via blood, and some didn't. Some of them I have known since birth, and some I have come across in the last few years. Nonetheless, they are all mine! It takes a village to raise children, and I am honored to be part of that village.

They are the reason that I keep pushing! They are the reason that I strive to continue to blossom into the person God created me to be. They are the reason that I pursue my passion and purpose without hesitation and regret! They are the reason for this journey!

I desire for them and those that are like them, those that I have met, and those that I have yet to encounter to have the very best! For them to know who they are and who they were created to be. For them to know that they are indeed unique and loved beyond belief first and foremost by our DAD, and then by multitudes of others. For them to know that there is no limit to what they can do and be!

I love them so...words can't really even express! They inspire me more than they would ever know! They are the certain amazing future of this world. They will take it by storm...I am sure of it!!!!

Thank you ladies for being all that you are! A hearty thank you to their parents that have birthed them and allowed me to take part in their lives. I am appreciative beyond belief! Kudos to you!

Your Thoughts:
What is your "why"?

Until next time...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Marketing, Networking and Social Media

I've been praying, and praying really hard! That may be an odd way to start a post, but it's so true! I've been praying for what I believe is the best thing one could pray for...WISDOM!!! Yes, wisdom!!!

Solomon was a smart man! If you aren't sure of the story, take a gander at 1 Kings 3:1-15. He didn't ask to be rich or for his enemies to be punished, but for simple wisdom. "So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?" (1 Kings 3:9) Gods simple answer to Solomon's request was this, "Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for-both wealth and honor-so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings." (1 Kings 3:10-13).

And like Solomon, I too want wisdom! Wisdom is what allows the other things that we desire to come along. Wealth is great, but if one is not wise, wealth will go quicker than it came and cause more destruction than good.

Since prayer is nothing without an action behind it, I decided to make a move to educate myself more on the business front. I, like so many other artists have the creative part down, but when it comes to the business side, we are as clueless as we want to be. We can buck this part of the process or we can pull our sleeves up and get busy. I choose the later, and I hope you do too (for the sake of your creativity and business).

My prayer for wisdom came in the form of a lovely friend and fellow phenomenal business owner Lynette Davis of A&D Media (Looking for a virtual assistant and social media expert? She's your woman!) inviting me to a business conference. When she asked, I said yes with my mouth, but I really had no intentions of going. My attention span is about the size of a flea, which means that I wouldn't normally sign up for a conference where I have to sit for hours. However, like I's time to put my big girl knickers on and get to business. 

Today was the first day of the conference called "Get Out There Live". The facilitator is a woman by the name of Christine Gallagher. I won't get into her whole life story as you can learn all about her and her business at She's Got Clients, but the first day has been extremely informational and dare I say, "life changing". She has a real easy, down to Earth and relatable way about her that makes it easy to have an open mind about things that folks assume they already know about marketing their business. Her practical approach to business makes it easy to take small steps to making your business work. 

Tomorrow is a long day. A 12 hour day to be exact! However, I plan to go in with an attitude to get all that I need to fuel my business and as always ultimately help others along the way!

So thank you Lynette Davis for inviting me, and thank you Christine Gallagher for dispensing great information so that business owners can move forth with success!!!

Your Thoughts:
When was the last time you were wise to invest your time, talent or resources to grow your business?

Until next time...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Etsy Shop Grand Opening!!!


is now


The polls are closed (it's election day, and I hope that you all exercised your right to vote), but my Etsy shop is now open for business!!!

I spent an immense amount of time last night and the early part of today listing items that you all can purchase. I thought that it would be easier than what it actually was, but it was pretty tedious. 

I definitely don't have everything listed there yet. I will be adding new items almost every day for the month of November. After that, I will be updating the shop with new items every other Tuesday. I will make sure to let you all know the days that I will be uploading new wearable art that can be purchased. 

Thank you so much for all of you that have taken the time to support myself and other local artists. Whether you supported us via purchasing our products, said a kind word to us or sent out a prayer for us...I think I can speak on behalf of artists worldwide...we thank you!!!!

Your Thoughts:
What have you worked hard on today? What was your reward for all of your hard work?

Until next time...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Etsy Countdown

Hey good folks!

Tomorrow is the day! Yes...the day I open my Etsy shop I am ex.cited, but knowing that there is so much work to be done so that this go round things will be a success.

Today was spent getting my listings together. It is more tedious than I remember in the past, but's okay. I must do what I need to do!

So tomorrow will come too quickly I am sure, and I will probably feel like I am not ready enough, but who ever cared about what feelings had to say? Not me! If I did, I would never get anything accomplished!

Your Thoughts:
Have your feelings ever talked you out of doing something great...something you knew you were destined to do?

Until next time...

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Etsy Countdown & A Healthy Me

A girl is exhausted. I should have capitalized exhausted because it's beyond what I can explain right now!

It's been a long and productive week. I've completed almost all of the things that were on my to-do list. What a feeling that is...sheer joy! I can hardly contain myself!

And in my exhausted, yet long and productive, but fun week, I didn't get to blogging the way that I should have. So instead of a 5 day countdown to my Etsy shop opening, I must simply do 3!

So I've started working towards a healthier me. Since I've been working in the massage therapy business, I am like the average 44 million Americans who don't have health insurance.   So what is a person that is working themselves to a healthier individual without insurance to do? You've got some research!

Obamacare is happening soon. I don't want to get into the politics of things (I'm really not that chick), but the way I see it we have 2 choices; we can get insurance and pay or opt not to get insurance and pay a penalty. Since I may have to pay either way, I might as well see doctors and get the checkups that I haven't been able to get lately.

Here 's what I did...I started with some government assistance. I was almost sure that I would qualify for some help since my wages fluctuate so much.You would have to check with your state the programs that are available to you. I live in the good ole' garden state, and our program here is called NJ Family Care.

I called the number (check out the imbedded link) and had a quick 20 minute interview and that's it. It was really easy and I will find out within 45 days what type of coverage I will be offered!

That's one thing I can check off of my list of things to do....a very important one! The truth purpose can't be carried out if I unhealthy in body, mind or spirit.  So here's to working on getting things in order!

Your Thoughts:
What things have you been dreading taking care of that will allow for a healthier you?

Until next time...