Thursday, July 11, 2013

29 Days Left - Candidly Speaking

There are 29 days left!

Candidly speaking...I am shaking in my boots! I know that this is not a solo show. I know that I will be showing with other artists, and I know that this is by far not going to be the biggest show that I have. However, it is my very first. My first...MY FIRST! Okay, okay, okay...I just had to remind myself. And it is that reminder that is causing me just a tad of agita!

Just as I posted my big reveal yesterday about the show, a few hours later I got a not so pleasant notification from an important establishment that we all need...the bank! I thought, "Really?!?! Today?!?!". No worries, it was all straightened out this morning, but tried to take me for a bit of a ride last night (notice I said tried).

Then this morning as I spoke to a friend I was reminded that I still have a plethora of things to do. There are lots of plans to be made, and lots of dear friends and family that I need to include. Friends and family that have contributed their blood, sweat, tears, and prayers (most importantly) in order for me to get here. Okay...I may be going a tad overboard with the blood analogy, but you catch my drift.

Today starts the process for real! I will sit down and make a list of things that I need before, during and after the show. I will write down names of those that I believe would/could help me with each section, and get to calling and/or emailing those individuals tomorrow. Once I get that done, I believe that I will be able to breathe a bit smoother.

So I failed to mention one important detail yesterday. The show will be on my dads birthday! For those that know me, know that my dad is no longer here. However, what an honor to be having my first show on his birthday! I am excited about it, although a bittersweet moment. I can only hope that he would be proud of the woman that I have become. I may never know on this side how proud he is, but pray that he is nonetheless!

Your Thoughts:
Have you ever been nervous to step out and do something? If so, what is that thing, and how did you overcome your fear?

* I will be documenting today and the next 28 days via Instagram video.
IG name: njartsygal
Hope to see you there as well!

Until next time...

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