Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Art of Stability

This last month has been interesting. I am learning that as an artist I must be stable. Even dreams deferred need legs to stand on. I've been taking the last month to do exactly that...strengthen some things that have been weak for some time.

The first step in becoming stable is to have a steady stream of income coming in. That has started. I am in no way in the place where I need to be with this, but I am grateful for the jump start.

I have been working as an advocate to young ladies, which has been both rewarding and trying. I am seeking to understand to be understood with them. I am looking to be the Godly example in they see instead of just hear. I am looking forward to seeing them finding the root of where their discomfort lies and watching them cut it off at the root for it never to grow again.

Then comes what this blog is art journey.

The SquashSmarts mural that was started about 2 months ago is making good headway. It's amazing to see something go from thought to fruition, and from paper to wall. I will be visiting them one more time for some finishing touches, but the students and the young lady in the picture (that I love dearly) have done an incredible job of getting the project done.


Art never stops. Creativity doesn't stop...even when I do. My body sleeps, but there is forever thoughts ruminating in my mind of what is, what could be, and what is to come.

They are almost all consuming...thoughts of art that is.  Sometimes they are released, sometimes they remain until they are finished being developed, and other times they just stay put. They never seem to go away though.

I wouldn't have it any other way though. They make me feel...

Corner of Gratitude:
A mind for the arts

Pearls of Wisdom:
"The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place; from the sky, from the earth, from a piece of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web."
~Pablo Picasso

Your Thoughts:
What makes you feel?

Until next time...