Thursday, August 1, 2013

9 Days Left - Family Time

Day 9 is almost over, and I am just making it by the skin of my teeth yet again!

Today I had the privilege of hanging out with my niece and nephews. I love them so much! This is the first time I have seem them in the last 3 years, and it's funny because although life has happened, it has stood still all at the same time. Time has passed and my babies have gotten older, but the relationship remains the same. We pick right back up where we left off when we last saw each other.

I get plenty of hugs and kisses and give plenty of them out. I know that I am loved and they are reassured in return that they are too! This is what life is about...building and maintaining relationships with loved ones, and I choose to live in this moment for the brief time that it is here. Tomorrow will come swiftly and before I blink they will be on their way to return home until the next time we see each other.

They (my babies) and my sister and brother will miss my art show. They have been asking plenty of questions about it though. I answered and and told them that I will take plenty of pictures and short videos so that they will be in the loop and can see what is going on.

Time will pass and they will grow,  but our love for each other will never change!

Your Thoughts:
Is there someone special that you haven't seen in a long time? How do you maintain a healthy relationship while they are gone?

Until next time...

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