Friday, August 2, 2013

8 Days Left - Pricing and Signing Done

It's day 8 and my babies have left. They will be headed back home tomorrow to start school in the next few weeks.

After getting over the brief sadness (with no tears..thank God) of them leaving, work began again. I put on my big girl pants and did it! I priced every last piece that will be for sale next Saturday. Once I put my mind to it needing to be was a breeze.

I also managed to make sure that I signed and dated each piece. It's something that I don't typically do until a piece is sold. However since each piece will be sold on Saturday, I must be prepared!

Tomorrow I will be going to an art opening at the Philadelphia Sculpture Garden. It will be my first time going to the venue. I have a former student from UArts that has studio space there.  It is not her show, but she invited me and I am making it a point to go. As a matter of fact, I am making it a point to immerse myself into more of the arts scene in my surrounding area. I look forward to seeing what  new and exciting connections will come of it!

Your Thoughts:
When is the last time you completed a huge task? What was it, and how did completing it make you feel?

Until next time...


  1. I'm in the beginning of starting things toward a forward movement. It seems like pointless, menial things, but that's just evil me speaking. (she will be shutting up now and take a backseat as she has had more than enough of her day in the sun.) Some of the things that I'm working on are assigned assignments, that while they are allowing time to get them done, there is an expectation to get them done, which I think is what I needed all along...a reason to finish.
    Finishing tasks, such as finishing school(2011), painting my door(?), cleaning my closet(yesterday)...hold a bit of satisfaction, but it doesn't last. I could use to celebrate the moment for moment before chastising myself about what is left to do.

    I'm at "my office" for a change of scenery...maybe I'll get more done outside the house.

  2. Yes...the moment by moment is the thing to rejoice over! That's just it though...the moment is just a moment, and then there is the next moment. I once heard something that said that a moment was to be relished for a short period because if we relish in that success moment too long we miss the opportunity to work on the next great success moment to happen.

    P.S. I love you plenty! And my office is great to get work done! ENJOY!!!


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