Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Yup...I Don't Know What To Do

This thing called, "I don't know what to do" is attempting to haunt me like what the old folks call a "hank". I've been doing my best to fight it with zeal...the good fight. But the last few days have been filled with lots of questions. 

I've been thinking about what I would do if I had a disposable income. In asking myself that question, naturally I thought that I would say creating something (art, music, crafts...the list goes on and on). I ultimately believe that to be true. However, I wondered if I really thought that to be true, why have I been having so much trouble keeping on task? 

It's not a hint of depression. I've been there and know how to identify that as such. I don't believe it's fear. I've reconciled in my mind that this gift/talent is from the Creator. He will do with it as He pleases. I've never been one to be lazy, so I don't believe it is that. There is no block of creativity. Ideas continue to flow. So I come up with a big goose egg as to what I'm really doing. 

I have come back to the practice of writing post-it notes all over of prayers and promises. I put them in places where I have no choice but to read them on a daily basis. My favorite place is the bathroom. Tons of colorful post-its surround my mirror, and I read...take in...ingest the phrases and scriptures as I wash my face and brush my teeth.  The most recent ones have everything to do with purpose. I need the encouragement more than ever right now. 

The answers will come. I am unsure of the moment of their arrival, but I am sure that they will come. There is nothing better to hold near and dear than hope!

Corner of Gratitude:

Pearls of Wisdom:
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning."
~ Albert Einstein

Your Thoughts:
How do you fight past your "I don't know what to do" phases?

Until next time...


  1. Well, I'm in it. I've done nothing. Not entirely nothing, but just feeling out the days of not knowing with what I am doing. I've realized, I lack motivation most likely out of fear and doubt. So that right there showed me that I'm not trusting God at His word, being caught up in what I see. And because of it, I've been in conversation with Him. And declaring that His will be done. I've had more disappointment than success, but I realize that has a lot to do with my confessions, my belief. I feel like at this juncture, I have "broken even" (by God's grace) with having spoken both life and death over my life. It is my responsibility to now speak more LIFE and cultivate that trust that should be there already (because He is faithful and worthy to be trusted). I think what you are doing, getting back to the basics of confessing, planting seeds of God's promises with your words and belief will manifest those very things He has wanted all along. Keep going are inspiring and most loved.

    1. Wow! That's really a powerful statement "broken even". I believe that a lot of us have done just that...knowingly or unknowingly. God's grace is indeed so special! I love you more than I could state, and you too know that God's promises will manifest in ways that are unbelievable...unthinkable if confessed. I heard this from a Pastor...God wants us to obey what He has said, and trust Him for the promises that He has given us. So powerful, and a testament to true faith in HIM!

  2. Got you girl. Love Peg

  3. Oh my, don't I understand how you feel. Usually, I tend to journal and get lost in my thoughts during this time hoping a blog post comes (no blog comes). Other times, I hope one of my gal pals are available to chat, but not any ole gal pal, an accountability and/or brainstorming partner. I know if I can just get started with something, the chips eventually fall into place and my true intent will come. The thing is however, once that true intention surfaces, do we decide to take action or procrastinate on what we're "supposed" to do.

    1. So very true! Procrastination is such an evil thing. I truly hate it more than I can express. I suppose if we take action to take small steps to our goals (assuming we know what those goals are), then procrastination gets stamped out. You got one gal here that is always open for a good ole' creative brainstorming session :) Love ya!


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