Friday, March 7, 2014

Your Mount Rushmore

It's Friday and that typically means that it is time for Flashback Friday. However since my sleep schedule has been really off, my Wednesday post didn't happen. So today you have a new post to read!!!

I was listening to radio talk this am and a subject that I have been thinking about came up. That subject was mentorship.

The speaker (who was a pastor whose name slips my mind) spoke of the importance for mentors to help keep us on the right course. Surrounding yourself with those that have the ability to push us to the next level in our purpose and destiny.

He spoke more about that of the spiritual matter (which we all need), but as he was speaking in that manner all I could think of was about   those destined to aid me along in mu creative journey. I've been thinking about mentorship in this area for quite some time. I have to state honestly that I don't have the first clue in where I should start.

I need that person(s) who has the time and talent to pour into me. I need them to be able to show and lead me with a soft heart, but a stern fist. That means they aren't moved by my temporary bouts of procrastination and feelings of inadequacy that I may go through. They will know and understand that my sometimes need for control last only for a moment and is really a defense mechanism.

I suppose there is nothing to it but to do it...hit the ground running and searching for that person or persons. I'm ready!  They will teach.  I will listen and learn. It may be difficult at times, but a necessary component to my journey. 

Corner of Gratitude:
Those that help others

Pearls of Wisdom:
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Your Thoughts:
Do you have a mentor? If so, what drew you to that particular mentor?

Until next time...

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