Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Making Room

Oh the creative juices are now flowing and as I stated in the last post, I am on the "good foot". I recognize that since I am now on this new "good foot" I have to make room for the new. 

Last year I started this blog in order to catalog my journey for a new chapter in my life. The chapter that is open and honest about the ups and downs of this creative life that I live. I decided to start off blogging about my first solo art show. 

The art show was great! I had lots of people come out and support the vision that I have been given and ultimately what I feel to be part of my purpose and this journey. However, I still have pieces of work left here in the studio that I need to move out in order to make room for the new pieces that I have been so fervently creating. 

That means that it is time to have a BLOWOUT SALE for you all!!!! Yes, that is right, I am selling most of my pieces at half price. I am also going to be doing some giveaways for certain pieces. This is a milestone for me. I feel like a proud mother sending her children off to bigger and better things. I will miss seeing them, but I am super excited for them to have loving homes!

I'm making some headway on the small piece that I posted on Monday called, "The Sun is rising, and I'm Doing the Same". The drying process for this piece is a bit longer than I expected. I am using gloss and acrylic enamel. One is oil based and the other water. As we know oil and water don't mix, but the gloss enamel is working beautifully as a top accent layer. I covered the canvas with pages from a French dictionary, which shows on the outside. I decided to keep that little detail visible. The final touches will be put on this evening and I will be posting the final piece here on Friday. 

I haven't started putting anything on the larger canvas that I started on Monday. That will be started next week. I woke up with a bit of a different concept, and now I am torn between the two. I will be posting some preliminary sketches of some ideas on Friday as well. Perhaps you all could let me know what you would like to see painted first!

So I am making small strides on this journey daily. I like this new found "good foot" and the idea of making room for the new. It's liberating to say the least!

Corner of Gratitude:

Pearls of Wisdom:
"A Path seemingly delayed is not delayed at all, but re-routed in the direction GOD intends for it!"

Your Thoughts:
What do you need to get rid of in order to make room for the new?

Until next time...

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