Friday, February 7, 2014

Flashback Friday: Definition of a Friend


Hey hey hey folks! It's time to take a look back into the vault of posts as it is Flashback Friday!!!

I have been thinking lots about my friends and family that mean so much to me. So today I thought I would post about why I am so grateful for them. 

Here goes.....

It's rare that you have friends that have the ability to tell you just how it is, whether that "is" is lovely or not so great. They care about your feelings and take measures to make sure that they express their care for you in a multitude of ways. They are honest and although the truth they state may hurt, they are looking out for your best interest...always. 

I am truly blessed to have an arsenal of friends that have my back. They speak the truth in love and desire to see me flourish into what God desires. 

Thank you all for being who you are! My prayer is that I give and sow into you as much as you give and sow into me. 

Corner of Gratitude:
The love of others

Pearls of Wisdom:
"Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the honouring of differences, not simply in the enjoyment of similarities."

Your Thoughts:
What makes your bonds with friends and family invaluable to you?

Until next time...

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