Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Early Bird

The early bird gets the worm

It's really early (for me at least). I've actually been up since about 4:30 am. Now before you start thinking that it was my bright idea to get up so early, let me set the record straight! I really got up to help dear friends of mine get to the airport. I prepared myself last night. I got a good nights rest and was actually okay to get up so early. I was doing a favor for friends (family really), but it worked out that they did me a favor in return without even knowing it!

Doing some research for us all!!!

So I'm at my office and getting some things taken care of. I am working really hard on getting my Etsy shop ready for it's big reveal in less than a week! Yesterday I did some Photoshop work for my banner on the site. I haven't used photoshop for a while (a choice). I get antsy sitting in front of a computer sometimes, but last night photoshop was a joy. I actually think that I miss some parts of coming up with cool graphic things in photoshop. It will be interesting to see what this new found joy for graphic design brings about.

As for today, I am looking into finding some ways to ask for help with my creative baby. It's going to take me doing some research, which I am okay with. I don't mind doing the research to help myself and ultimately someone you...the reader. That is what this blog is all about....helping other artists to get through their artistic journey with greater ease.

I'll be reporting my finds within the next few days along with the countdown to the grand opening of my Etsy shop!!!

Your Thoughts:
What are you doing that is aiding someone else on their journey? If nothing, what is a simple step you can take to do so?

Until next post:


  1. I play with Photoshop nearly every day. (Mine is a vintage version, a freebie that came bundled with a printer years and years ago.) I'm not into retouching photos, as some people seem to do. But I love to import a blurred or not-so-great photo and take it through the "colors and filters and shape changes and magic-wand" to make artworks that don't even remotely resemble the original piece. But, such beautiful colors and intriguing shapes. This is my worship unto the Lord.

    What is it, specifically, that you're hoping to help readers with? Especially other artists? I hope you mean more than just giving them a chance to buy your products.

    May God bless you and keep you. I pray you'll find a way to let God blossom through your dreams, so you'll honor the Living God and be a blessing to other people.

    1. Hi kingfisher!

      I'm super glad you stopped by! I'm not sure if this is your first time reading or if you have taken a gander at some of my other posts, but either way...WELCOME!!!!

      If you haven't read from the beginning, I would like to invite you to read my first post here called, "Another Leg of This Journey". This will help you to understand a little better why I started this blog (check out "The Setup" too).

      But in a nutshell, I am hoping that other artists can navigate through this sometimes sticky world that doesn't always support us creatives by sharing my stories and resources. I've been to college and have a degree (in this field), but was no more prepared to make a living as an artist in the real world than when I entered. That can be really scary to read, but even scarier to live (like so many of us have/do). I never want to be the one that stands around to watch someone struggle when I have a key that could open a door they need to get through.

      I do have a business where I sell art (mixed medium) and wearable art, but this particular blog site is more about my journey as an artist, and encouraging other artists to know that they too can be a successful artist. So you won't catch any items for sale here. However since my business is heavily tied to my purpose and my journey, you will see links to my Exo31 Art blog and Etsy shop (where things are for sale) as well as items that I am working on often.

      It's all tied together really! I've been given an awesome talent by God to not just sustain myself, but to help others and ultimately show the love of Him (the Living God) to others via that unique talent!

      I post a "your thoughts" question at the end of each post, and would love to know how you are using your gifts and talents to help someone else. Your answer just may inspire readers to get out there and take simple steps to help others!

      Thanks again for stopping by and I hope to hear from you again soon!


Journeys are not meant to go on alone. I'd love for you to join in on my journey!

Check back often as I make every effort to reply to your comments here!