Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Busy Week

This week is simply flying by too quickly. It's been an extremely long day. I'm fighting to get this post out since my eyes feel like they want to have a mind of their own.

The art show for my art kids is approaching quickly and I have so much to do. Tonight before taking it down I managed to get almost all of their artist statements typed up. There were a few statements that I couldn't read (As you can imagine with little ones).

The statements are really warming and in some instances wise beyond their years. The designing of the program comes next. I hope to have that done tomorrow at some point.

Good night folks! The steam in this little teapot is running out.

Corner of Gratitude:
Each step that gets me closer to a goal

Pearls of Wisdom:
"I'm so tired's...tired!!!"

Your Thoughts:
What has been your mid-week success!

Until next time...


  1. My mid week success was being able to be a part of the Junior Achievement Volunteer Program. It was great being able to see how enthusiastic the kids were about learning new things.

    1. :) That sounds like fun! It also sounds like you made a great impact on those kids!


Journeys are not meant to go on alone. I'd love for you to join in on my journey!

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