Wednesday, January 29, 2014


What I missed these past two weeks! They are learning about shapes and creating robots (K-3) and cityscapes (4-5). They are doing a phenomenal job. I am so proud of them!

It snowed here in my little part of the world last night, much like other places along the East Coast. It took me by surprise. I hadn't heard anything about it on the news last night. And although it wasn't a terribly bad storm, its presence was here nonetheless.

My mother warns me, and my first thought was, "OMG this snow is tampering with my bread and income (the little that is coming in right now)." If you know anything about working a commission only job, then you smell what I am cooking. And then the thought, "Well GOD, how are you going to make all of this work out because I am at my wits end?" I admit, the second thought should have been the first, but I'm being honest here.

I didn't have clients today, and I have no classes to teach tomorrow...all because of the snow! In addition, my car has been acting strange and my laptop that I work on is on the fritz. All plausible reasons for me to lose my composure.

This is the point where I must exercise the trust that I say I have in DAIDÍ.  There are so many things to get done and I have no idea on my end how in the world they will get done. I have little confidence in myself, my craft or in my ability to travel on this journey...if I am completely honest. However, I do have confidence in the Creator that I serve.

It's said that there is a silver lining in every cloud, and I believe that wholeheartedly. My silver lining comes in the form of experiences that are propelling me into my fine art career. I have one commission piece in progress, and several inquiries of my work. I have a paint party coming up this weekend, and my portfolio is coming along quite nicely. All silver linings!

I will continue to take notice in the silver linings, and have an attitude of gratitude because things could always be worse. The snow and all that it brings is all part of trusting HIM! My clients and kids will be there next week, and if for some reason we have more snow, I will trust HIM still!

Corner of Gratitude:
Trust beyond what I can see with my eyes

Pearl of Wisdom:
"Dependence upon God makes heroes of ordinary men like you and me!"
~Bruce Wilkinson

Your Thoughts:
Are you in a place where you must trust? While you are in the storm, can you identify the silver linings in your clouds?

Until next time...


  1. Oh yes, I've been there. I'll give you credit, you still blogged about what you were really feeling I think I just cried and pumped my fists towards the heavens. But I too believe in God more often than myself I know my creator sees more than I can fathom. I believe that God wouldn't give us Vision if it weren't meant to come past, and so I dry my tears do what I have the power to do and wait on the Lord for the rest. Thanks for sharing a piece of your heart. I know that better will come your way so Rock on!

    1. Indeed He does! That is my saving grace to be quite honest. I blog about these hard times so that I can help someone else along in their journey. And I know one day I will be able to look back and see the incredible work the Lord has done in me. Thanks for stopping by and commenting love!


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