Friday, January 24, 2014

More Letting Go

There is more letting go that is happening. This time not as a shock, as it was definitely just diverting my attention from all that I am a bit afraid of. 

I have referred to my other blog site here a time or two. As a matter of fact, although this blog is about my journey as an artist and creative soul, I have directed you all there from posts made here in the past. And if you have read those posts, you would know that my other blog was connected to my business called Exo31 Art, LLC.

I started the business a few years ago in order to sell wearable art that I was creating from old, broken, and unwanted jewelry. I even added my knitted and crocheted creations about two years ago to the mix. Most recently (approximately 3 months ago) I created new items and opened an Etsy store.

I was excited...really excited. I had fresh ideas and new approaches to how I was going to proceed with business so that it was more successful than it had been in the past. I managed to maintain most of my social outlets, keeping them up to date with the new wearable art pieces that were available.

Then one day approximately a month or so ago I sat still and asked the Creator some important questions. What am I doing here? Where am I going? How did I get here? I know I'm created for great things and you have shown me what to do, but how do I do it? How do I get to the place you have shown me not being able to see the connecting middle pieces?

The answers weren't anything grand. They weren't super exciting or even new. The overall answer from HIM was simply...I haven't changed my mind from what I told you years ago. Do that. Regardless of what it looks like or doesn't look like...DO THAT!

It was simple and complex at the same time because "that" was the very thing I had been running away from for years. I mean, I would do it (meaning "that") here and there. I gave more lip service than anything...saying out of my mouth I was doing more than I really was. I would say things so much that I started to believe that I was on the right track. And in some areas I was. I would get to a pivotal point in the journey when I had the option to sink or swim. Each time I chose to sink because swimming just seemed too hard.  Swimming was going to require me letting go of some things. Things that I thought were fun and loved to do. Things that weren't bad, but just didn't contribute to "that".

So with that being said, Exo31 Art, LLC will no longer be what you all have briefly come to know it as. I will still create wearable art, but I will no longer be selling it how I have in the past. I may do some craft markets once or twice a year, but I won't stress myself if I don't get to it. 

Now I will be focusing on my mixed medium work with a heavy emphasis on painting (the "that" that I made reference to earlier in this post). I will finally apply to some residencies, start looking for supplemental income opportunities, start working on another individual show, and continue a huge project that I started long ago. 

It's another sweet surrender, but let's face it, my ROI (return on investment) was improving since I started years ago, but wasn't great, and more than anything...I really want to be obedient.

So from now on I will also have a strict posting schedule. I will be posting on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's. I will no longer be posting over at The Artist in Me, but I will be transferring some of its elements over here.

There you have it folks! Hello Change! You are here for the better and I let my guard down to let you in. I welcome you with open arms!

Your Thoughts:
What does change mean to you?

Until next time...

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