Monday, January 27, 2014

Forward Motion

Forward motion is happening despite its moments of making me uncomfortable, and it's Monday! 

I know....what do the two really have in common? Well for starters, this is the first week that I am implementing the change that I spoke of in the last post. It's Monday, and this Monday starts the routine of blogging on a schedule. Blogging on a schedule is not foreign to me. I do it when I put my mind to it and have some accountability. You...the readers are my accountability, and me putting the schedule out here will help me to stick to it.  

I can be a sort of fly by the seat of my paints type of lady when it comes to my craft. I've finally identified that me flying by my britches could be where my problem lies. Consistency (showing up on a daily basis) is what moves a person from an amateur to a master. So today I take a stand and start fresh. A fresh start to a fresh week! A jam-packed week at that. All of the snow the last few days kept me in painting. There was no excuse for me not to since I'm not big on being out in the cold.

I took the time to build up a collection of paintings that people can choose from when they host a paint party. I will be instructing my first group of people on Saturday evening. I am both excited and a tad nervous. It's funny, I still get nervous about painting or drawing in front of others (although I have done it several times by now). I like to paint in the comfort of my studio, home or even in a place where I am not on display (i.e. my office aka Starbuck's). Perhaps it's a good thing that just allows me to know that none of what I do is because of me. I am just a conduit for the purpose that I have been given to carry out on this Earth. 

Here are a few paintings that I have done so far:

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There are a few more that are in the works, and I imagine that I will continue to work on the catalog even after my first party is over. 

I have other things on the docket to get done by the end of this evening, including looking for art competitions that I can enter within the next few months. I may or may not get to accomplish all that I have on the to-do list, but the effort is surely there. 

I have gotten more done in the last week (fine art wise) than I have in the last few months. It's a push, but a good push. No more comfort zone for me on this side of town. I intend to stay outside of the box from now on! 

Your Thoughts:
What routine (already implemented or need to be implemented) is moving you into a forward motion?

Until next time...

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