Thursday, December 26, 2013


It's after one in the morning and it's me and Espe (Esperanza Spalding) rocking out together. I've taken a pretty extensive nap after all of the days festivities and find myself unable to sleep. I am plagued with my own thoughts of change.

I haven't written in a while here. To be exact I haven't written in a while personal journal included. I could make excuses (all that would be true), but none of them really matter in the grand scheme of things since the outcome is the same....very little movement toward what I know I need to do.

I'm knowing that a change is coming and the hardest part is wrestling to flow with that change. Change for me means letting a lot of things go that I so enjoy. It means sitting with myself...still, and confronting things I've masked with being busy. You know...the important things that get looked over because you have tuckered yourself out with non-essential stuff and perhaps even non-essential people.

I sounds so harsh, but so very true! It's a horrible vicious cycle really. Time passes and then passes more and then even more. It passes through a sieve slowly until it's completely gone. It's wasted and before you know, you get to this point where the year is over and you are lamenting precious moments lost.

So changes need to be made! They may seem drastic to some and totally unexpected to others, but I've been thinking about them for months. I'm very unsure what these changes will mean for my future, except I know that I must follow the direction I feel I've been given by the Holy Spirit that lives within me.

These changes are going to require me to dig really deep...deeper than I have ever had to dig before. They are going to require me to trust God and those He has placed in my life on a whole different level. They need me to focus and flow all at the same time, which if you know me...can be somewhat difficult.

So change here I come. I'm hunting you down, albeit with tears in my eyes remembering that change is a good and needed part of the journey. And once I've captured you, I will remain positioned there until my next assignment!

Your Thoughts:
What changes do you need to make? Are you apprehensive about making those changes? If so, why?

Until next time...

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