Monday, December 9, 2013

A Week's Recap

It's Monday all over again people and I am getting this post in at the last minute. It's for good reason though! Last week was a whirlwind really, and I see it being that way for the next couple of weeks. Nothing I cant handle, just a tad busy!

A few months ago I spoke of things not panning out quite like I thought that they were going to. There were a few things that I had on my agenda that seemed to be guarantees, but ended up falling through for that particular time. Well...the right time has come around and things have really started to take off!

Last Thursday was my first day back in the classroom. It's been about 12 years since I have taught art in the school environment, and I must say this go round was so much more than what I remembered it being in the past.  The kindergarten through 5th grade kids were amazing to say the least! They were engaged, attentive and exploratory with the medium they were given.

Their first weeks project

During the first class they learned about color theory, line, shape, and positive and negative space. The medium they used was paint, and they did a little teamwork at the same time!

I look forward to working with these students for the next few months. I look forward to opening them up to viewing art in a totally different way. I look forward to seeing their eyes light up as they learn new things about art and their creative process. I simply look forward to seeing them develop into all that they were created to be. If I can have a hand in that...I am truly blessed!

All of this goes to show that good things come to those that wait, but not in vain. See I didn't sit by waiting idle. While I was waiting I was continuing to do what I felt led and guided by God to do. Despite what things looked like, I didn't stop creating curriculum's. I didn't stop honing my craft. I didn't stop working on my business.

I kept you should when things seem to not add up as you expected!

The weeks ahead will go by fast, but look out have lots of little gems on the horizon ready to take over!

Your Thoughts:
What have you been waiting patiently to happen? What are you continuing to do while you wait?

Until next time...

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