Thursday, November 21, 2013

I Have Enough Time!

Today there is so much to do and so much time to do it! I know that doesn't make much sense. Shoot, it didn't make much sense to me when it was divinely given, but the more I thought about it, it makes perfect sense.

Yes, there are a plethora of things to get done. I mean, we all have a long list of things to do. There are blogs, curriculum plans and seminars to be written, items to be knit or crocheted, jewelry to be made, and paintings to be painted. Oh yeah...that's my list of to-do's, but I can imagine yours are just as swamped!

But here's the thing I came to realize this morning...there is enough time to get everything done that we are planted here on this Earth to complete. I know, I know, this sounds funny coming from the girl that would always complain about there not being enough time in the day to get things done! But it's so true..hear me out!

I'm of the school of thought (because of my beliefs) that God won't put more on you than you can bear. And if that indeed is true, I believe that time is included. First, I believe that He wouldn't give you a spectacular vision to complete a task without giving you specific instructions. That's like a parent giving their young child a chore to complete and expecting them to complete it properly without giving them proper directions. We all know that doesn't happen (for proper parents, at least). Those specific instructions given probably include how, when, where, and why or who to seek about the how, when, where and why. Then, we simply are to follow them.

I can only speak for myself, but most times when I have become overwhelmed it is because I have failed to follow the specific instructions given. I get to the point where I think the instructions that I have been given aren't working (because I can't physically see them working) or aren't working fast enough. I get in the driver's seat and not only try to help God out, but flat out try to take over.

It's at that point that I am like a fish out of water. I'm flapping around trying my best to get things done to no avail. I feel overworked, overwhelmed and super tired, to say the least.

Today I am feeling less apprehensive about things. I'm feeling a lot less scared about what the future holds. I've been given marching orders long ago, and following them has become important to me. Now I'm in no way confident in my skills alone, but I am confident in His. I have a ways to go and lots of steps to take, but being on the right track makes those long ways not so long, and those steps to climb not so steep!

So yup...there is enough time!!!

Your Thoughts:
Do you have a plan, but feel like there isn't enough time to execute that plan? If so, have you made sure that plan is the plan that you are put here to execute?

Until next time..

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