Tuesday, April 15, 2014


You never really realize that you are over-committing yourself until you've already over-commit yourself. It's an oxymoron I know, but the absolute truth. 

Yes...I am aware it is Tuesday. However, like I told a friend, I have been under the gun, and I have no one to blame but myself. It's a combination of things. I have told others that I will be able to help them with things not realizing that there are only so many hours in a day. 

There are multiple projects that I have going on. There is a mural, an art exhibit, working in the community, and getting prepared for a new job. Oh and let's not forget me applying for residencies and juried shows. So needless to say, there are plenty of things to juggle.

If I stay on my p's and q's things would be just fine and the feeling of being overwhelmed wouldn't happen. Problems start to arise when I get stuck too long on one project. It's time management issues. I'm working hard on fixing it!

Here's a gander at some of the above mentioned projects:

Corner of Gratitude:
Greater organization

Pearls of Wisdom:
"First comes thought, then the organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning as you will observe, is in your imagination."
~Napolean Hill

Your Thoughts:
Where are some areas that you could become more organized?

Until next time...

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