Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekend Review

It's such a gloomy day here in the good ole' state of NJ. Rain has been falling nearly all day and not quite helping me get things done. If the sun could shine everyday, my soul would be ecstatic. I digress...

This post is less about the weather and more about the weekend that I had after a dismal week.

Spring has sprung and that means so have 1st Friday's in Philadelphia. This 1st Friday was not the typical though. Instead of going to Old City, there were a few galleries that I wanted to check out the Fishtown and Kensington area.

Our first stop was the Art Dept, which is run by two UArts alumni (one a photographer and the other textile designer). The quaint gallery was celebrating their one year anniversary.  It was a party equipped with the quirky and playful art of Katherine Pulido (also a UArts alumni), the works of various jewelry and clothing designers, kombucha tea, hats and noise makers.

Kelly-Ann takes a good look at the pieces. She purchased a piece!!!

It was was inspiring! I spoke briefly with one of the owners to find out what their process was for accepting work. It seemed pretty simple, but they have exhibits already schedule for a year out. No biggie! I will keep my eye on them though.

Our next stop was certainly unexpected. We were trying to get to another gallery we had seen on our way to the Art Dept. Instead of landing in the proper place...or what we thought at the time to be the proper place, we landed at The Circle of Hope. I would say it was a coincidence, but I don't believe in luck. Everything happens for one reason or the other, and this was one of those times.

The small paper sign on the glass door read, "Join us in worship." I gave it thought for a second and went on. I was interested in the art. We walked around for a bit and then decided to leave. Before we left I mentioned to my friend that this may be a church. A young woman approached her as she looked around, and what do you was!

Kristen was exceptionally friendly and an artist herself. She explained that the gallery was part of the church. They desire to make visual arts as much a part of worship as they do music. She gave me a brief idea of what Circle of Hope was about, gave me a few names of some galleries that I may be interested in submitting pieces to, and a hug for the road.

How amazing to know that there are others in this world that are on the same page as I am. I don't know what things will happen from this meeting, but I look forward to finding out. I'm on target to visit in a few weeks. I'll report back here then.

The rest of the weekend was filled with rest and work (other than art). I started to feel a bit convicted, but quickly recognized the need for both.  

I'm learning how to juggle things well and becoming a well rounded artist in the process!

Corner of Gratitude:
Being able to multitask successfully

Pearls of Wisdom:
Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly

~Langston Hughes

Your Thoughts:
What was the best part of your weekend?

Until next time...


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