Wednesday, May 7, 2014


It's been two and a half weeks since I posted last. I haven't abandoned ship or my creative endeavors and purpose. I'm finding that I must make a few necessary adjustments!

Life is happening! That's a really good thing! In the last 2 weeks I have been working, working, and working some more. Some were creative projects, and some not. 

On the creative end:

My art kids had their exhibit! They did an excellent job, and were super proud to see their work displayed last Tuesday. While I was hanging the show, the excitement of them seeing their peers work was priceless. They oohed and ahhed, and it just tickled me so. The night of the exhibit didn't have the turnout that I expected. It was rainy and cold after days of beautiful weather, and I suppose parents were happy just to have a night in. Whatever the case, the interaction with the parents that did come was encouraging. I found out things about my kids that I wouldn't have known unless I spoke with their parents. 

I haven't been able to do much on the mural for SquashSmarts since I posted last. My Emmy (my car) needed to go to the doctors this week. I'm scheduled to go back on Monday to do some more work. I'm excited about that too!

The large painting that I started still has yet to get a stroke of paint, and sketching has all but stopped in these last few weeks. It surely is not something that I like to admit, but it is the sheer truth.

In other news:
I have started a new job! I will be working with a company called Youth Advocate Program. It's a pretty amazing program that works to encourage youth to be productive members of society. I am a youth advocate, which serves almost as a mentor of sorts. I will pick up a whole host of young ladies that I will also call "my girls". I am looking forward to that. I believe that every young child deserves a fighting change to be all that they were purposed to be, and I am glad that I can help. 

The position right off hand doesn't seem like it falls in line with my purpose, but oh the contrary! This is just the beginning! There will be more on that in the future!

So with all that I have going on, I am knowing that I will have to adjust my blogging schedule. That means that I will no longer be blogging 3 times per week (Mon, Wed, Fri.). I am looking forward to committing to posting at least 2 times per week. I know taking away one post doesn't seem like much, but in the grand scheme of things, it will help me from feeling overwhelmed. 

Summer is coming and the weekends will be jam packed. I will probably stick with a weekend wrap up and a mid-week post, but that is not set in stone as of yet.....STAY TUNED!!!

Corner of Gratitude:
Freedom from guilt

Pearls of Wisdom:
No work or love will flourish out of guilt, fear or hollowness of heart, just as no valid plans for the future can be made by those that have no capacity to live now. 
~Alan Watts

Your Thoughts:
When was the last time you recognized the need to adjust some things in your schedule to accommodate changes in your life?  

Until next time...


  1. Yay! you posted...although I'm behind on reading...I'm proud of you (as usual). I'm thankful that you are letting the organization happen you keep in mind those goals you have and work toward keeping them a priority, the other things (your work for instance) will find its way around it. Keep truckin' (just like Emmy!)

    It's funny my nephew Sal asked me in the car today, (randomly) what is your daily routine (What was that...a swift kick in the rumpus kid? who made you prophetic?!)
    I told him I don't have one and I would do well to begin to morph into one. A random person like me (and we all know how I feel about randomness) needs structure. Let's see how that goes. I love you.

    1. I needed to read this comment from you today! It brought a broad curve of a smile to my lips and a hearty chuckle in my soul! I love you, and thank you so much for being you!

      I go in and out of structure so much it is ridiculous. One week or month, I am really good...perhaps even a few months. And them...boom...all falls apart and randomness seeps in. At that very moment I think, "Oh I ever going to be able to get to the place you want me to like this?" All par for the course I suppose :)


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