Sunday, March 16, 2014

Flashback, but not Friday: 86 & 2

Hola Compadres! Okay..that's from me wanting to brush up on my Spanish, but has nothing to do with this post! 

As a matter of fact, I decided to do a FLASHBACK, but obviously not on Friday this past week so that I can post today instead of Monday (you all will see why on Wednesdays post). Next week we will be back to our regularly scheduled program.

This flashback is circa 2009 and is about my Graham that has passed. I've been thinking about  her a lot lately. It really doesn't have anything to do with my art except I am a part of her and she me. All that means is that I may have picked up some creativity from her.

So here goes:

I don't think that I would have ever thought that the numbers 86 and 2 could have been so much alike. Yes...they are far from one another in numerical sense, but when talking about age, I am convinced that they are much the same.

I had the opportunity to take care of Graham all by my lonesome last week. My mother had the luxury of taking a vacation (a word that is foreign to me-a whole different blog). We usually take turns....I am home engaging Graham during the day and mom takes care of the evening. There are a few moments where Graham has to fend for herself for a couple of hours while we take care of business in order to keep the lights on. However, last week I had her around the clock....breakfast, meds, nap, snack, lunch, nap, snack, dinner, meds, sleep, and stories that I have heard a hundred times before in between. We did well together. We went to the stores, although she stays in the car (unless it is for food), and she even let me cut her hair.

So, I have decided to list the things that are so similar between the two ages:
-They need balanced meals, often with snacks in between
-They are sometimes messy eaters
-They wake up every morning before you do and knock at your door - Graham no longer does this, but she did in the beginning
-They take lots of naps
-When going out, they have to be monitored. If not, they get lost
-They need and love to be catered to
-They talk a lot, telling the same story repeatedly
-Time flies when you are with them-for various reasons
-They think that they are the boss
-They are set in their ways with no desire to change
-If they don't get their way, they get cranky
-They some times have to wear pants to hold their water (pull-ups or depends)

Corner of Gratitude:
Having amazing influences in my life 

Pearls of Wisdom:
Legends are created from those that come before us. 

Your Thoughts:
Who has come before you that has inspired you to be who you are?

Until next time...


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