Monday, November 18, 2013

The Why

It's Monday again! It came around so fast!

Since I last posted lots of things have manifested, and I don't necessarily mean so much in the natural either. They were simply some things that have become obvious and apparent about myself, my craft, and business.

The business conference that I attended called "She's Got Clients" facilitated by Christine Gallagher concluded on Wednesday, and left me knowing that I have a lot of work to do. There were lots of concepts that were to be gotten, and lots of actions that need to be taken to get those concepts rolling into play. But more importantly than those concepts was the reason..."the why" for business (my business to be exact).

We talked about the why the first day of the conference, but it wasn't until the last day of the conference that I really had a solid "why". I mean a "why" that I could really put graphite to paper and form comprehensible sentences.

So here you have it! These precious faces, and some that are not photographed are my "why"!!!

Why? In some way, shape, form or fashion, they have changed my life for the better! They are all my girls! I didn't birth any of them, but call them my own. Some of them came via blood, and some didn't. Some of them I have known since birth, and some I have come across in the last few years. Nonetheless, they are all mine! It takes a village to raise children, and I am honored to be part of that village.

They are the reason that I keep pushing! They are the reason that I strive to continue to blossom into the person God created me to be. They are the reason that I pursue my passion and purpose without hesitation and regret! They are the reason for this journey!

I desire for them and those that are like them, those that I have met, and those that I have yet to encounter to have the very best! For them to know who they are and who they were created to be. For them to know that they are indeed unique and loved beyond belief first and foremost by our DAD, and then by multitudes of others. For them to know that there is no limit to what they can do and be!

I love them so...words can't really even express! They inspire me more than they would ever know! They are the certain amazing future of this world. They will take it by storm...I am sure of it!!!!

Thank you ladies for being all that you are! A hearty thank you to their parents that have birthed them and allowed me to take part in their lives. I am appreciative beyond belief! Kudos to you!

Your Thoughts:
What is your "why"?

Until next time...

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