Wednesday, August 28, 2013

God Please...

In my lifetime I have had a lot of "God please..." moments. You know...God please get me out of this jam that I have gotten myself in. God please don't let this car accident happen. God please let the man that I adore so, adore me in return. God please let the sun stay out all day today. God please make me feel better. God please let me get the biggest piece of cake. I mean the list goes on an on, from the most important to the silliest of things. But today I find myself asking a whole different collection of "God please..." questions. 

God please grant me the opportunity to help others above and beyond what I can imagine. God please allow me to always have a sunny disposition. God please allow me to always know that my education means nothing if I am not in the position to pass what I learn on. God please allow me to treat others as I desire to be treated myself. God please never let me become a pretentious individual. God please always allow me to be open to receive from those that are more seasoned than myself. And God please when I become seasoned show me how to mentor without belittling. 

I'm in no way shape, form or fashion perfect. I have my fair share of crappy days (my closest friends will tell you). I'm more likely to cry those crappy days away or remain silent. I've never been one to lash out or become extremely mean. That's just never been my M.O. (mode of operandi).  This post is nothing more than me ranting about what is in this noggin of mine. 

However, what I am learning (for as hard as it may for me to digest) is that everyone doesn't care to have the bubbly, glass always half full personality like mine. Their way of life and way of seeing things is completely different. And it is my job to know that and still remain my good ole' happy self, which at times feels virtually impossible! It's the, punch me in the left boobie and I'll give you the right adage (it's really the cheek, but if you're a woman and have ever been hit in the chest, it hurts far worse than the cheek). 

So in the midst of my "God pleases.." and learning to accept that I (like everyone else) have my own unique personality to handle my purpose, I inhale deeply and release the fresh breath of "it's okay". As a matter of fact in the midst of my's more than just okay. I am right where I am supposed to be!

Your Thoughts:
Have you ever had or do you have a list of "God please..."? If so, have you found them to be nothing more than opportunities to grow into the individual you were placed on this planet to be?

Until next time... 

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